No scalpel vasectomy surgeon in Bangalore

Dr Adarsh M Patil mbbs ms FICS
- Is one of the leading surgeons in Bangalore .15 years of experience in eminent hospitals like Manipal Hospital, Apollo Hospitals and Narayana Hrudalaya in Bangalore.
- He has experience of treating numerous Vasectomy patients successfully in Bangalore .
- He believes in that Patient safety comes first and strives to provide exceptional service to patients.
Call Now – +91- 9972446882

Every man has a basic right to a vasectomy, a valuable medical procedure. Before you actually have a vasectomy, you should think carefully, because a vasectomy is designed to be permanent. Vasectomy is a small procedure, but a large decision. When children are definitely not wanted in the future, vasectomy relieves the man and woman from fear of pregnancy. In today’s world, it is important for men to have a responsible role in birth control. Vasectomy simply blocks the travel of the sperm to the penis. Vasectomy prevents the sperm from getting out of the man’s body. It does not cause voice changes, hair loss, impotence, or loss of sexual desire. Male hormones are not affected by vasectomy, and they continue to circulate normally. for No scalpel vasectomy in Bangalore
How is the procedure preformed?
‐ Usually the doctor gives an injection of local anesthetic into the skin of the scrotum (the sac holding the testicles). This may feel like a brief pinch. The anesthetic numbs the area. The doctor then makes one or two small, half inch, openings, gently pulls up each tube (vas deferens), cuts it, and or burns or ties it shut. The procedure takes about 30 minutes to complete.for Male vasectomy in Bangalore
What is the “No Scalpel” method of doing vasectomy?
‐ the no‐ scalpel technique is a method developed by Dr. Li, a Chinese physician. The doctor uses a special instrument instead of a scalpel to enter the scrotum. This instrument has a sharp point and spreads the skin instead of cutting it. This makes a smaller opening, and may cause less bleeding and less post procedural pain.for Male vasectomy in Bangalore
Laparoscopic Vasectomy in Bangalore
When can I go back to work?
‐ You should have a day or two of rest after the vasectomy. You should avoid heavy lifting or other strenuous activity for at least one week.
Is there much pain after noscalpel vasectomy in Bangalore?
– No. You may experience a few day of mild discomfort, like a pulling or aching feeling in the groin. This discomfort can usually be relieved with ibuprofen (Advil or Nuprin) and good support with tight underwear. Some bruising may occur, but this is perfectly normal. A very small number of men have more serious side effects, such as significant bleeding, infection, or painful sperm leakage (sperm granuloma).for noscalpel male Vasectomy in Bangalore
Will my sex life be affected?
– That depends. If a couple has been worried about pregnancy, their sex life could improve, especially as they come to trust vasectomy. The procedure does not change anything, except that there will no longer be sperm in the semen. Sex, orgasm, and ejaculation are not affected. However, if you do not want a vasectomy and are having one because you think you should, or because your partner wants you to, then you may note some resentment. If you have been worried about other facet of your sex life before the procedure, chances are that a vasectomy will not improve those other conditions. When can I have sex again? ‐ You should wait one week until some healing has taken place. Use another form of birth control until your semen has been examined and no sperm are present.for no scalpel Vasectomy in Bangalore
When is the vasectomy effective?
‐ It is effective when the semen has been tested and has been found to be free of sperm. A sperm count is usually done 6 week after the procedure, and after at least 15 ejaculations.
What happens if my vasectomy is not successful?
‐ In the rare cases where the sperm can still get through, a repeat vasectomy may be required.for No scalpel Vasectomy in Bangalore
Cost of vasectomy operation in Bangalore
Approximate cost may vary from 18000 to 30000 based on type of procedure and type of hospital for No scalpel vasectomy operation in Bangalore
Cost of vasectomy in India
- Bangalore in India is an Ideal place to get vasectomy surgery done, because of abundant availability of skilled and qualified professionals for the procedure.
- Bangalore also offers a cost advantage of undergoing no scalpel vasectomy surgery procedure.
Best Vasectomy surgeon in Bangalore