breast biopsy test in bangalore

Breast biopsy test in Bangalore & Cost

Breast biopsy test in Bangalore

Dr Adarsh M Patil 1 copy

Breast biopsy test surgeon in Bangalore

Dr Adarsh M Patil mbbs ms  Is one of the leading surgeons in Bangalore .15 years of experience in eminent hospitals like Manipal Hospital, Apollo Hospitals and Narayana Hrudalaya in Bangalore.

He has to experience of treating breast cancer  patients in Bangalore .

Call Now ! – +91-9972446882 for Appointments.

What is breast biopsy test ?

A breast biopsy is the removal of breast tissue for examination by a pathologist. This can be accomplished surgically or by extracting tissue through a needle.

When is breast biopsy test done?

Breast biopsies are done to diagnose breast abnormalities.A biopsy is recommended when a significant abnormality is found by physical examination or an imaging test. Examples of an abnormality can include a breast lump felt during breast self-examination or tissue changes noticed from a mammogram. Before a biopsy is performed, other simpler, less invasive tests may be done to rule out cancer. For example, a lump may be revealed simply as a fluidfilled cyst when examined by ultrasound imaging. If less invasive tests are not conclusive, the presence of a malignant (cancerous) or benign (noncancerous) breast condition can be definitively determined by a breast biopsy test in Bangalore.

breast biopsy test in bangalore

Breast biopsy test in Bangalore

How is breast biopsy test done ?

In a biopsy, cells are removed from the breast and examined under the microscope to determine if they are malignant or benign. The type of biopsy recommended depends on whether the abnormality is large enough to be felt, how well it can be seen on mammogram or ultrasound, and how suspicious it feels or appears. Specialized equipment is needed for different types of biopsy, and its availability may vary for breast biopsy test in Bangalore .

Surgical breast biopsy test –

There are two types of surgical breast biopsy,excisional and incisional.

  • An excisional biopsy is a surgical procedure that removes the entire area of concern and some surrounding tissue. It is usually done as an outpatient procedure in a hospital or freestanding surgery center for breast biopsy test in Bangalore . The patient may be awake, but is usually given medication to make her drowsy.The area to be operated on is numbed with a local anesthetic. Infrequently, general anesthesia is used. An excisional biopsy usually takes under one hour to perform. Nevertheless, the total amount of time spent at the facility depends on the type of anesthesia used, whether a needle localization was done, and the extent of the surgery.
  • If a mass is very large, an incisional biopsy may be performed. In this case, only a portion of the area of concern is removed and sent for analysis. The procedure is the same as an excisional biopsy in other respects.

Needle biopsies 

A needle biopsy removes a sample of fluid and cells from suspicious area for examination. There are two main types or needle biopsies: aspiration biopsy,using a fine-gauge needle, and large-core needle biopsy. Either of these may be called a percutaneous needle biopsy. Percutaneous refers to a proceduredone through the skin.

A fine-needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB)

Uses a very thin needle to withdraw (aspirate) fluid and cells that are then examined under the microscope for abnormalities. A FNAB can be done in a doctor’s office, clinic, or hospital. Local anesthetic may be used, but is sometimes not needed as its administration may be more painful than the insertion of the very thin biopsy needle. Sometimes, the area to place the needle may be located by touch without using specialized equipment. However, ultrasound guidance enables the physician to feel and see the lesion at the same.

Dr Adarsh M Patil 1 copy

Breast biopsy test surgeon in Bangalore

Dr Adarsh M Patil mbbs ms  Is one of the leading surgeons in Bangalore .15 years of experience in eminent hospitals like Manipal Hospital, Apollo Hospitals and Narayana Hrudalaya in Bangalore.

He has to experience of treating breast cancer  patients in Bangalore .

Call Now ! – +91-9972446882 for Appointments.

Risks of surgical breast biopsy test –

  • Infection is always a possibility when the skin is broken, although this rarely occurs in breast biopsies.Redness, swelling, or severe pain at the biopsy site
    indicates a possible infection and a reason for concern.Another possible consequence of a breast biopsy test in Bangalore  is a hematoma, which is a collection of blood at the biopsysite. The body usually resorbs this blood naturally without treatment. If the hematoma is very large and uncomfortable, it may need to be drained. A surgical breast biopsy may produce a visible scar on the breast. Scarring may make future mammograms harder to
    interpret accurately.
  • A false negative pathology report is another risk.In a false negative report, no cancer is found when cancer is actually present. The incidence of false
    negative biopsy findings varies with the biopsy technique. In general, fine-needle aspiration biopsies have the highest rate of false negative results. Different
    facilities also have varying rates of false negative readings, depending somewhat on the experience of their pathologist.

Normal results

A normal pathology report indicates no malignancy is present. The tissue sample may be classified as a benign breast condition. Many women develop
nonmalignant tumors of the breast (fibroadenoma) or harmless fluid-filled cysts. Some noncancerous conditions are more likely to develop into cancer. Women
with these benign conditions should have more frequent breast health check-ups. Some studies have found that about 80% of all breast biopsies result in
a negative (noncancer) pathology report.

Alternatives to breast biopsy test in Bangalore-

While a biopsy is the only way to determine definitively if a breast abnormality is cancerous, other less invasive procedures may be done to try to rule out
cancer so that a biopsy is not necessary. These include mammography, ultrasound imaging, and ductography (used for imaging the breast ducts and diagnosing

Cost of breast biopsy test in Bangalore –

Cost of breast biopsy test in Bangalore is approximately – 20,000 to 30,000 INR


Cost of breast biopsy test in India-

Cost of breast biopsy test in India is approximately – 600 – 700 $ US


Dr Adarsh M Patil 1 copy

Breast biopsy test surgeon in Bangalore

Dr Adarsh M Patil mbbs ms  Is one of the leading surgeons in Bangalore .15 years of experience in eminent hospitals like Manipal Hospital, Apollo Hospitals and Narayana Hrudalaya in Bangalore.

He has to experience of treating breast cancer  patients in Bangalore .

Call Now ! – +91-9972446882 for Appointments.

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