Is Acid Reflux Curable

Have you ever experienced a burning sensation in your chest, almost as if your heart is unstoppable? Have you ever felt a burning sensation with your throat accompanied by a foul taste in your mouth? If you have, then what you’ve experienced is acid reflux, commonly referred to as heartburn.
Acid reflux is a type of condition that just about everyone experiences one or more times during their lifetime. During digestion the stomach produces enzymes and acid to digest food. When the blend of stomach acid and enzymes are refluxed to the oesophagus more frequently than they must, or an extended time frame, acid reflux occurs. The most common symptom of heartburn or acid reflux is a burning sensation behind the breast cavity.
A variety of factors can contribute to acid reflux including:
o Being overweight – excess pounds put pressure on the abdomen and will push your stomach up causing acid to reflux into the oesophagus
o Overeating – Eating too much food can slow digestion.
o Posture and tight clothing – Sitting hunched over while eating or wearing constricting clothing around your waist puts pressure on the stomach
o Foods – various types of food trigger heartburn including: caffeine, fired or fats, salty food, chocolate, excessive alcohol, garlic, peppermint, onion
o Smoking – nicotine aggravates the stomach and oesophagus and inhibits saliva production.
o NSAIDs – Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) including aspirin and ibuprofen can aggravate the stomach.
Antacids and acid-suppressing medicines will help relieve and prevent heartburn or acid reflux from occurring. There are various types of these drugs intended for over-the-counter (OTC) purchase including the antacids Rolaids and Pepto-Bismol, and acid-suppressers including Pepcid AC.
Nevertheless, in rare cases, regardless of the medications an acid reflux disorder sufferer emerged to treat their symptoms, they still experience symptoms. Many medical researchers start to believe how the ineffectiveness from the treatment may be due that those who are receiving treatment for acid reflux disease are actually struggling with agents inside the oesphagus that aren’t related to stomach acid. This condition is known as non-acid reflux.
What is non-acid reflux disorder?
Non-acid reflux disease is when other potentially harmful agents (not stomach acid) are refluxed to the oesophagus including bile. It has been found that non-heartburn or acid reflux is defined as a reflux which has a greater pH level than 4. Unfortunately, not much is known about non-acid reflux disorder, its symptoms, or even the affects it’s got on the oesophagus.
It has been found that most cases of non-acid reflux disorder occur after mealtime when the contents with the stomach are increasingly being neutralized, as well as the condition is more present in children than adults.
Medical researchers continue to be trying to figure out the exact cause of non-acid reflux disorder. Currently new technology has been used that may accurately determine a good acid or non-acid in the oesophagus by measuring the Ph level.
If you believe you are suffering from acid reflux, however you find that OTC antacids aren’t relieving your symptoms, it is really a good idea to find the advice of one’s doctor. It is important that you can know what type of reflux you are experiencing to help you properly treat your complaint. The reason is if you are struggling with non-acid reflux, taking an antacid won’t cure your symptoms since this drug has been designed to neutralize acid – acid which will not be seen in the case of non-acid reflux disorder.

For more info about foods that stop acid reflux, visit us now.